Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

I felt my Mom had recognized my growing maturity at age 12 when she let me drink coffee instead of milk. In retrospect, she was probably pleased I was choosing the cheaper and more popular beverage in our Latino household. Milk was considered an expensive but necessary drink for growing children. We always had coffee at my home growing up, and it was a privilege to be old enough to drink it.

Coffee is a favorite drink for many nurses. , As a nurse I learned to drink it black and strong on the many night shifts I worked. Even when I worked in Salt Lake City, Utah, a historically Mormon and anti coffee stronghold there was always coffee available for the staff to drink.

My son recently brought home some commercially prepared cold brew coffee and I may never go back to drinking hot coffee again! I think cold brew coffee is the superior drink.

Picture this situation: Early am, preparing for work. Tired and bleary eyed I measure and grind the beans, placing them in the brewer. A few minutes later I have aromatic and hot coffee. First cup is good and I drink it immediately. Second cup is ok, but the flavor quickly degrades. The delicate aromas and volatile oils are quickly dispersed, and the coffee becomes bitter and undrinkable.

Cold brew coffee is easy and fast to brew. It stays fresh if left in the refrigerator and is good over ice or by the cup at room temperature.

Coffee has health benefits, aside from the energy boost it often delivers. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of liver cancer, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes type II and heart failure.

Its not all good news as high coffee consumption may increase the risk of bone fractures, pregnancy health problems and endometriosis.

A cup of black coffee only has about 2 calories. Coffee contains polyphenols (antioxidants), riboflavin, niacin, potassium and magnesium.

Great tasting coffee starts with a great bean. One of my preferred coffees is the whole bean Organic Mayan Blend by Jose’s gourmet coffee (available at Costco).

Here is my easy recipe:

Add six or eight scoops of freshly ground coffee to a quart jar and fill with cool, filtered water. Cap with a tight lid and shake well. Let it brew on the kitchen counter or in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours.

Filter thru a fine mesh or paper filter directly into your cup or thermos. You can add sugar or creamer to filtered coffee to taste. One quart jar of the coffee water mix can last a few days as you can add more water, shake well and reuse the grounds.

Cold brew coffee is reputed to have more caffeine than expresso brewed coffee. It tastes smooth and doesn’t seem to have the high acidity and bowel clenching effects of hot coffee. I consider it the perfect drink for a long morning or afternoon commute to work.

Do you have a favorite drink at work or a coffee hack?